Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Long and Winding Road

 Throughout the course of the day it is nice to reflect on personal goals.  What do I want to accomplish today?  This week?  In the next year?  In a world filled with instant gratification, social media, and a surplus of information, we all have to step outside the box and strip down our thoughts to the root of their origin.  If you allow yourself to continuously push forward, caught in the riptide of today's society, the days bleed together and nothing gets accomplished.  Allow yourself the time to breathe, to think, and to release the stresses that bare down on us every single day.  The purpose of life isn't about where you are and what you set out to be, it is all the shit that happens along the way.  As you search for your destination, you will be pulled in many different directions and tempted to fall off the highway of life.  Sure, the highway is the quickest route, but wouldn't you rather enjoy yourself and succeed at the same time? The best way is not the arrow straight A to B, but here, there, and everywhere.  The best way to travel is on the long and winding road.

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