Sunday, January 8, 2012

Only I Can

As New Year's Eve approaches, many across the globe have a view of change, turning the page, and making amends with the wrongs in their lives.  Some see January 1st as a rebirth.  What many fail to recognize is that a new year doesn't change yourself, others, and all the situations and struggles that we lie in each night as we sleep.  Now, over a week into 2012, nothing is new and fresh.  How do so many get fooled every year over the changing of the calendar year? The only catalyst for change is that within our individual selves.  Only I can remove the rubbish from my life.  Only I can find the good and embrace it.  Only I can set in motion the changes that I wish in order to be a happy man.  At times of trial, we search for answers. We turn to those that we value, yet devalue their opinions.  We search for advice, yet the only words taken to stock are the ones that we emotionally agree with.  In the end, we do what we want, regardless of the outcome.  I hope one day I can be less of a novel character and more of a man of movement.  Only I can make this happen.  Only I can allow this to happen.  Only I can make my reality worth while.  Only I can trim the demons. Only I can be me.